When you are looking for a unique and exotic pet, the Golden Pheasant is one of the most eye catching birds available. With its vibrant colouring and calm disposition, this bird is sure to be a showstopper in any home.

The Golden Pheasant is a regal bird with its bright yellow feathers, red crests and a long flowing tail. Males are the more colourful sex and feature a bright yellow body, grey and black face, chestnut neck, and long tail feathers that are up to two feet in length. Females are more subdued with a brown body and pale yellow head.

For those seeking an interesting and exotic pet, the Golden Pheasant is the perfect choice. They are hardy creatures and can tolerate a variety of climates, making them suitable for many environments. Additionally, they are not territorial and are easily tamed, making them a great companion animal.

Golden Pheasants require minimal care, making them a great choice for those who don’t have a lot of time to devote to their pet. They eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and insects, and need room to fly and exercise, although they are content to stay in a well-maintained enclosure.

The Golden Pheasant is a captivating and beautiful bird that is sure to be loved by its owners. With its vibrant colouration, hardy nature, and peaceful disposition, this bird is an ideal pet for those who are looking for something out of the ordinary.

Red Golden Pheasants (Chrysolophus pictus) also called the Golden Pheasant or Chinese Pheasant is one of our most popular exotic pheasant breeds and one of the most colorful peacock birds. buy golden pheasant online at the best price in the market here.

The male Red Golden Pheasant is a brilliant display of primary colors with a scarlet red body; yellow-gold eyes, bill, crest, back, and legs; green on its upper back; and shimmering blue on its wings. Adult males can reach 40 inches in length, with their tails measuring nearly two-thirds of their overall length. The Red Golden pheasant’s most impressive feature is its layered cape of golden feathers. Each layer of golden heathers is edged in black and appears striped from a distance. During mating, the cape expands to cover the bird’s face in an impressive display.

The male golden pheasant is a bright display of primary colors with a scarlet body; golden-yellow eyes, bill, crest, back, and legs; green on the upper back; and shimmering blue on the wings. Adult males can reach 40 inches in length, with their tails nearly two-thirds of their total length. The most impressive feature of the red pheasant is its layered cloak of golden feathers. Each golden heather layer is edged with black and appears striped from a distance. During mating, the cape unfolds to cover the bird’s face in an impressive display.

Range and Habitat: The mountainous region of central China was the original, native habitat of the Golden Pheasant, which is usually called the Red Golden when bred and raised in captivity. In part due to the isolated and harsh terrain of this area, little is known about the habits of wild Golden Pheasants. While the plumage of the male Red Golden is so bright that it is hard to believe it would ever be difficult to see, in fact, in its natural habitat these birds are amazingly camouflaged.

Breeding and Incubation: Hens will lay a clutch of 8-12 eggs in April, and incubation lasts between 22 and 23 days. This species will breed readily in captivity. Males are sexually mature at 2 years, and females at 1. Red Golden pheasants can live up to 15 years.


male, female, pair


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