we have the best selection of victoria crowned pigeons for sale in stock at a lower price. If you’re looking for the perfect gift for a friend or loved one who loves pigeons, then you’ve come to the right place. We carry victoria crowned pigeons for sale in stock at lower prices.

The best way to choose the best victoria crowned pigeon for sale is to visit us first. If you’re shopping for a gift for someone who loves pigeons, then you’ve come to the right place. We carry victoria crowned pigeons for sale in stock at a lower price. We also carry victoria crowned pigeons that aren’t sold in stores in stock. We sell all victoria crowned pigeons for sale, including the most popular varieties of victoria crowned pigeons. We have many more varieties than those that you find in stores. Visit us today to find out what our selection includes.

Victoria Crowned Pigeon to sell. Our Victoria pigeon comes with Certificate. Deep blue-grey in color with a small black mask, the Victoria Crowned Pigeon is a very tame bird. Its crest of feathers (the most distinctive feature of the crowned pigeon apart from its size) has a conspicuous white tip. There is a row of paler blue-grey feathers with chestnut tips on the wing coverts. These form a distinct wing bar. The breast is a deep purple-maroon color.

People love these cute and interesting birds. Victorias are also very intelligent and are popular pets with children. They make good pets because they are fairly easy to handle. Victorias are not good parents, but they are very friendly. They are the same size as a large turkey. They are mainly found in the United States.


male, female, pair


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