The Central Bearded Dragon is an adorable, exotic pet with a unique appearance that makes it stand out from other reptiles. These dragons have a variety of colors including yellow, orange, gray, and brown, making them a great choice for those looking for a more colorful pet.
The body of the Central Bearded Dragon is slim and long, typically reaching a length of 18-24 inches. Its head features a long beard-like crease along the throat and chin that gives it its namesake. A series of small spikes also lines the dragon’s spine and tail to give it a more geological look. These colors and spikes coupled with its bright eyes make the Central Bearded Dragon a very alluring pet.
The Central Bearded Dragon is an omnivore, meaning it eats both plants and small animals. Its diet includes insects, fruits, and vegetables – all of which can be found in pet shops. These dragons can live up to 8-10 years, making them a great long-term commitment.
In terms of temperament, the Central Bearded Dragon is a very outgoing and friendly reptile. They’re not afraid of humans and enjoy interacting with them. They can also be trained to do tricks and respond to their owner’s commands.
The Central Bearded Dragon is a great exotic pet that is easy to care for and can provide plenty of entertainment. They are very low-maintenance, requiring only regular feeding, weekly baths, and regular cleaning of their habitat. They are also very social creatures, making them great pet for both experienced and beginner reptile owners alike.